But then I realized after living a gluten free lifestyle for a while that I was still experiencing a lot of discomfort. That is when I started eliminating other foods, other ingredients and even did the whole 30 diet to help me detox from so many packaged unhealthy food choices. I truly began to feel better and feel more energy. The same timing that I was trying to learn and grow with my health, I found Karalynne who became my go to source for all things dealing with ingredients and inflammation.
Karalynne from @Just.Ingredients shares her top 4 tips that have made the biggest impact in her gluten free health journey. She may not have celiac disease or a gluten allergy, but what she does share is how gluten makes her feel and also the importance of eating better foods that will not cause the very inflammation she is trying to avoid. Listen in and here how these four tips can change how you feel and how you allow your gut to heal!
- Eat Naturally gluten-free foods.
- Not to replace everything with corn.
- Cook without gluten. Meaning don’t find a replacement for everything… eat more Whole Foods.
- Know your ‘healthier & safe’ go-to brands
Check out the Ultimate Gluten Free Guide that shows over 130 brands and foods that are Karalynne approved and also gluten free safe.
Learn more about the programs I offer HERE
Remember, I’ve got your back. I have a comprehensive gluten-free guide available on my website. It’s packed with valuable information to make your journey smoother. And if you want to spread the knowledge, I’ve created free ‘I am gluten-free & I have celiac disease’ printables you can share with others.
For more resources visit my website HERE!
The 2024 Gluten Free Brand and Product Guide HERE
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