My favorite New Years Resolution for 2019 has definitely been my Celery Juicing Craze!!
Literally, every morning for the month of January, I started my day with a cold glass of Celery Juice! Straight Celery Juice! I was always amazed at how many people asked me for the recipe…heehee…

The results were amazing. I had more energy, less bloating, headaches subsided, I didn’t crave sugar as much, and I felt my kidneys were healthier. Now you may be thinking- how in the world do you feel your kidneys were healthier… but the truth is- I have no idea… I just did. And this is coming from a true kidney stone survivor.
I have had 9 kidney stones to date. And I hope to never have another! But for some unexplained reason… I literally felt healthier in my kidneys! (To learn more about the benefits of celery juicing go check out Medical Medium)
Thankfully my resolution didn’t end in January. I have celery juiced throughout the entire year. Whenever I feel like I need to reset my body. I love it.
I started this resolution with a random cheap juicer I found off amazon because I was truly worried I wouldn’t stick with it. Hows that for confidence in a goal🤦🏼♀️. But I soon realized that I needed to invest in a good juicer. One that would pull more of the juice out of my veggies(and my cheap juicer start leaking all over the place).