Gluten Free Your Year with Coral – March Challenge

Welcome to month THREE of the Gluten Free Your Year challenge! I’m so glad you’re here! (You can find an overview of the challenge HERE)
This month’s theme is “Gluten Free Your Food, so get ready because we’re going to be testing out a lot of new foods! Food is central to the gluten free way of living because, well, many foods have gluten and we all have to eat! Whether you’ve been gluten free for a day or a decade, we can all do a little better and learn new things, right?
You can also listen to my Gluten Free You & Me Podcast on this topic here:
Episode 62:
To kick off this month’s challenge, you can download your own “Gluten Free My Kitchen Checklist” to use as you walk through the weekly challenges!

Gluten Free your Kitchen Checklist.pdf
To help with this decision fatigue, we need a plan of action. We need to know how we are going to execute our day-to-day life.
We are going to make a meal plan, create a shopping list, find new ways to make old favorites and make it easy peasy to eat gluten free.
Let’s dive in and start simple:
Meal Planning
The first thing we are going to do is make a list of meal ideas- yes breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, and snacks. Have at least 5-10 in each category. Depending on your preference of eating the same thing within a 2-week time frame.
Think of what you already cook, do you need to change any of the ingredients to make it safe or even healthier? Don’t be afraid to alter a recipe you have had for years. This is where you get to experiment and have some fun! Look for old family recipes that have been passed down for years. Have fun with this.
If you are wondering what brands to choose- because let’s face it- gluten-free shopping becomes expensive when you are buying products that do not taste good. I have The Gluten Free Guide that I created with Karalynne from Just Ingredients. It is so awesome- we have good and better choices of over 130 products. You can find that in my shop here
Also, if you feel overwhelmed with your gluten free life- You are not alone. I have been there. I have been through the trenches trying to figure out how to wrap my head around it all. But let me tell you- I have learned some incredible things along my journey- so much that I have mastered some key principles that help me stay in the right head space but also be educated- informed and have children that thrive in their gluten free life. I have taught them how to advocate for themselves. And I want to help you do the same. I created The Gluten Free Coach e-Course to help you personally get to where I am today.
In the meantime- take on this challenge this month to create a meal plan that you are excited about— It will be a perfect addition to the course.
Bonus: So how do we read labels?
This may be a no brainer to many of you- but It is a needed reminder to always be reading labels… companies change protocol and manufacturers frequently.
So how do we read labels? Let me help with 4 easy steps to reading a label.
4 Steps to Reading a Label:
Look for a certified gluten-free label
Look to see if it says contains wheat or gluten at the bottom of the ingredients
Read through ingredients to see if you see any common ingredients with gluten in them for example wheat, barley, rye, malt, etc.
If in doubt, call the company with the phone number that is listed on the package.
And of course- my favorite new app Called Spoonful that we featured in the last episode is golden!! If you missed it go back and listen to Episode 61.
In the meantime- take on this challenge this month create a meal plan that you are excited about— It will be a perfect addition to the course