gluten free detox

Episode 19: Fatigue, Hormones and Detox Routines

Tired, moody, brain fogged, fatigued, exhausted. Do these words resonate with you? They do with me! Celiacs Disease, along with many other health challenges, can make us feel run down and sluggish. That’s what I finally said enough is enough and I reached out to my good friend Dr Stephanie Zgraggen. I had been taking her 28 Day Hormone Reset Detox Program online course and was blown away! She is so knowledgeable and breaks hormone issues down so that we can understand what is happening in our bodies, and what we can do about it. 

Listen to the full episode on 



or listen above

As a functional medicine practitioner and female hormone expert, Dr Stephanie’s mission is to help women reclaim their hormonal health and feminine vitality naturally.  She wants you to feel sexy, vital, and balanced, which means getting your weight right where you want it, getting your energy and sex drive maximized, and doing it all naturally and safely. 

She personally knows what’s it’s like to not feel your best, to have your hormones rule your world, to not have the energy to be the best mom, spouse or co-worker.  She’s been there and done that and now she’s joining me on the Gluten Free You and Me Podcast to teach you how to change it naturally and permanently.

Today, she feels 100 times better in her 40s than her 20’s and it’s her mission to share that process with you! I’m also excited to announce that Dr. Stephanie is giving all of YOU a discount on her

21 Day Group Detox Reset Program!

(Use the code “coral10” for 10% off) Listen to the podcast HERE and don’t forget to leave a comment and share with a friend who needs this! Dr Stephanie’s Toxicity Quiz – How toxic are you?


Dr Stephanie Zgraggen brings over 14 years of clinical experience to give you the goods on how toxins can be playing a role in your health and life.  In her quiz, you’ll learn the signs and symptoms of toxicity, your risk for toxic exposure, and you’ll calculate your current toxin level score. It also includes simple ways to decrease your score in less than 30 days.  Your body will definitely thank you for this one! Take quiz here


Learn more about the programs I offer HERE

Remember, I’ve got your back. I have a comprehensive gluten-free guide available on my website. It’s packed with valuable information to make your journey smoother. And if you want to spread the knowledge, I’ve created free ‘I am gluten-free & I have celiac disease’ printables you can share with others.

For more resources visit my website HERE!

The 2024 Gluten Free Brand and Product Guide HERE

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