gluten free at Disneyland

Episode 17: Gluten Free Disney

When it comes to gluten free knowledge, some vacation spots are better than others but none of them beat Disney! The Disney Parks make it their job to not only educate their staff about things like Celiacs, gluten free options, and cross contamination, but they go above and beyond to make sure that, when requested, food stays as gluten free as possible.

Listen to all things Gluten Free at Disney



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Happiest Gluten Free Place on Earth

Living a gluten free life sometimes means having to say no to things, right?

No to the donuts your co-worker brought in, no to the cupcakes at the birthday party (unless you have…these donuts), and no to a restaurant when the only “gluten free” thing on their menu is water. But the worst one for me is saying “no” when traveling, because trying new and fun foods is one of the best things about exploring a new place, right?! (If you want to read about the time I packed my family in an RV and went on vacation so we knew we’d be gluten free, go HERE).

I’m not a Disney Parks expert, but my friend Mary from Main Street Pals sure is! In this week’s episode of Gluten Free You and Me, Mary shares her top gluten free tips for Disney guests, including what to try, what to skip, and how you can have the best Disney day ever! She’s also giving all my podcast listeners her “Best Gluten Free at Disney” guide for free, so make sure you’re subscribed to my email list (scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up) when it goes out next week.


Learn more about the programs I offer HERE

Remember, I’ve got your back. I have a comprehensive gluten-free guide available on my website. It’s packed with valuable information to make your journey smoother. And if you want to spread the knowledge, I’ve created free ‘I am gluten-free & I have celiac disease’ printables you can share with others.

For more resources visit my website HERE!

The 2024 Gluten Free Brand and Product Guide HERE

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Here are the different links that I refer to throughout the podcast:


Best Gluten-Free Donuts I have ever had

Check out our amazing RV Vacation that was gluten-free, safe, and super cheap

Follow Main Street Pals on Instagram to know the inside scoop of all things Disney

Listen to all episodes of The Gluten-Free You & Me Podcast

Join my Email List to get the upcoming Gluten Free Disney Guide

Disney and other travel specials: Get Away Today coupon code: celiacs10

gluten free at Disneyland
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