In this podcast you are going to here from basically “my celiac bestie” and registered dietician Erin (since she has Celiac Disease herself, we know we can trust her) and she is going to help educate and share resources with us all.
She is one of the most educated and well researched dietitians in the field of celiac disease and she will go over the most frequently asked questions and misconceptions!
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Remember, I’ve got your back. I have a comprehensive gluten-free guide available on my website. It’s packed with valuable information to make your journey smoother. And if you want to spread the knowledge, I’ve created free ‘I am gluten-free & I have celiac disease’ printables you can share with others.
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Hey everyone you guys I am here with the lovely Erin from the
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Celiac space you guys Erin. How are you? Hey, whoo. Hey. Oh, hello everybody
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I’m so happy to be on here Thank You coral for inviting me
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Holy smokes, it’s always a pleasure every time we talk
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I’m like are we besties I know are we just early just like celiac soul sisters, probably. Yes
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Yes, we knew each other from before
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um, okay, Erin
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Introduce yourself. Tell us who you are what you do? Yeah, so I am Erin. I am registered dietitian. I
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Live in California and Texas kind of bouncing around a little bit. I
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work with celiac specific people
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I also get some people with autoimmune diseases as we know they’re always coupled to celiac. So, um
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Take some people like that too. But really just working with celiacs to help educate them
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About a gluten-free diet and how to really thrive as a celiac. You know, it’s such a it’s such a specific
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Diet and a treatment for a disease and that’s where a dietitian really comes into play
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so, um
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I have celiac myself and I have the training of a dietitian and just like the life training of being a celiac and like
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Navigating all there is to it
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um, so with that, you know
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I kind of piece those things together to help people in this community and just help educate and provide resources for everyone. I
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Love it. My favorite thing is that you’re a registered
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Dietician and you have celiac disease like that. Combo is like, okay now we can trust you
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You know, I feel like there’s so many misconceptions of celiac disease. I feel like oftentimes when I’m going to the doctor
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I’m going somewhere and like I have to educate them and it’s like okay, you know it we’re like safe now
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Yeah, tell me what do I do?
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Right and it’s crazy because I get so many people who are like, oh I saw a dietitian, but you know, she was cool
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But like she wasn’t as helpful as she could have been or like wasn’t as helpful as I expected or in some cases they educated
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them and
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Unfortunately, you know as a dietitian
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There’s so much to learn and our schooling is so extensive that celiac disease isn’t covered that much
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So you have to really research it on your own and live the life
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But having the training of being a registered dietician and the clinical experience and all that give me the backbone to like
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Format everything and kind of build off that foundation. But, you know being a celiac with you know, the background totally helps
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Oh, yeah
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I’m happy to give people the safe space which is kind of why I started the celiac space just to be like a
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place where people can really feel like they’re getting quality information and like being helped and cared for
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Where you know there’s not many other places for them. Yes. I I’m like I feel you
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The lonely world if you haven’t reached out and you don’t have that help and wow, you’re here to help. I love that
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I love that. Okay. So what does it mean to be a dietitian?
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so a
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Dietitian and nutritionist sometimes are used in the same
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But they’re not so first a nutritionist really
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It doesn’t it means that they might know about nutrition, but it’s not like a credentialed thing
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Nutritionist isn’t a certification or a qualification necessarily. It doesn’t mean that they went to school or anything like that
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Anyone can really call himself a nutritionist. Whereas a dietitian they have their degree from like a four-year university
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In nutrition or Dietetics and then on top of that they went to another year plus of school and like an internship to do
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clinical hours and like hands on a lot of hours and big projects and that kind of stuff so
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After that, and they sit and take the test and then their dietician. So a dietitian has been in school
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specifically studying nutrition
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Diseases diets all that stuff for at least probably five or six years until they can become a dietician
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so Wow, that’s what a dietician a
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dietician is
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You know someone that really specializes in diet and understands like the body and disease states and all that fun stuff
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Yeah. Oh man. I love it
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Your education is so intense and I just love that you’ve been able to learn so much and such a variety
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So you have such a base. So a lot of times like you mentioned you working with other autoimmune diseases
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It’s not always just one, you know generally have one
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autoimmune disease you have multiple see we’re really able to adapt and you can’t
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Know how to adapt unless you’ve really studied it and so you take in that
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groundwork out for so many people to pay it forward to help them and I know it like
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we’ve talked before and it’s like I’m even gonna cry I cry for silly things me like
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Like our heart and soul is into this like we want to help people be their best selves and like that’s why I do it
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that’s why I help coach people through with the celiac eCourse and that’s why I like I mean we’ve even teamed up on
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collaborating cuz they’re like with my expertise of just like
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Knowing how to coach someone be their number one cheerleader and Tom they can live this life their best gluten-free life
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And then you’re like and these are the exact tools that you specifically need
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Like this is what your life is going to look like like this is how you formulate it for you and I’m like, huh?
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We’re like the powerhouse team. I feel like yeah
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I know
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Such it should like just I hope people know that like there is support for you and like there is such cool things like you
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Have the tools you just have to reach out for them and like ask for the help and really invest in
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You know your time to like make yourself thrive, you know be positive and you know, you’ll be you’ll be just fine ya know
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There’s a lot of life fit in
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Positivity that is kin. Yeah. Okay, so
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We are gonna hear from you today. You have the four things
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That your doctor probably doesn’t have time to tell you about celiac disease. Yep. That’s huge
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and I before we even start I just want to tell you that like I
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Was on that side like my doctor told me to Google select is I’m scared, you know
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Did you find just google it you see gluten-free, like you’ll learn about it
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And I’m like what the heck and I googled it and oh, yeah, that’s all for this podcast
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But that was really really hard and that’s what so many people are being told
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And so that is why having a dietician to help you is so key. So here we go turning the time over to you
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Yeah, so doctors are busy people as we know
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They are
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So smart, they help us with our diagnosis
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They help us with our medications
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But they don’t always have time to go through the diet component of it and the lifestyle stuff and they probably don’t have celiac
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So they probably haven’t had lived it
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So it takes a lot of time to kind of get educated and learn about it
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So there’s four things that I always talk about that you might not know if you know post diagnosis
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So the first is just that cross-contamination or it’s technically called cross contact
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it matters and
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Cross contact is basically if a gluten food touches a non gluten item
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It’s now that gluten-free item is no longer gluten free for a celiac so it’s been exposed to gluten
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and that’s enough to make us sick and
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Even though you might not experience a whole lot of symptoms, you know
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You might be able to push through it just a little bit amount
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That still causes an autoimmune reaction and that still causes symptoms and long-term complications
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so that’s totally something that we have to avoid and
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There’s a lot of great resources that kind of help explain what you know where cross contact happens
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I’m a lot of times in a kitchen or you know restaurants is where we experience it a lot
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Biggest example is like the toaster
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So if you were to take a piece of gluten-free bread and you put it in a regular toaster
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It’s now touching so much crumbs so many things it’s bait. It’s not safe anymore. I
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always tell people think of it like raw chicken, like if you’re in your kitchen cooking raw chicken and
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You have raw chicken on your hands like anything you touch. You’re like, ooh, like there’s like dirt like there’s stuff on it
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We’re all chicken
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You can cook off and you can clean off gluten you can’t but it’s the same thing that anything that touches gluten is
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Now no longer gluten free
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So that’s the first thing. Okay. Can I just say please?
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Um, I ran into somebody once and they were like, yeah, I love your raw chicken. That’s a lot cleaner of you
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All right and image in my head because someone was like no think of it like poop
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You never would clean it off you’re like, oh here you go
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Yeah, you would never eat that. No
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No, not like nothing. So like you’re eating like I just thought yeah there gives you a better visual. Yes
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No, that’s a good one. And I always tell people to I get the question all the time
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Do you ever miss?
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Such-and-such, and I’m like someone could give you your favorite food ever like this beautiful chocolate cake
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But if they had raw chicken on it or poop and they’re like you’re for sure gonna get sick
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Are you gonna enjoy eating that no way so it doesn’t matter what it is. If you know, you’re gonna get sick
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It’s not adorable to eat. So yeah, yeah
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OOP brought chicken whatever you want to call
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Whatever your mind needs to do to get you through it. Like I’m not tempted. Let’s do it. That’s what it is
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Okay, let’s hear you’re number two. Okay. Number two gluten free does not automatically equal healthy, so
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gluten free is essential for celiac to be healthy, but there’s so many like
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trends and fads out there that are promising a gluten-free diet for weight loss or a gluten-free diet to you know,
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Improve your skin and such and such
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And a lot of gluten-free products are more processed than the regular thing so that it can taste good
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So they’re adding extra stuff in it, and they’re not adding a lot of vitamins and minerals that they do add to normal bread
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so like nice and iron folate all those things that are fortified in standard breads and cereals
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Aren’t added to gluten-free foods. So you’re adding a bunch of junk. You’re not adding the good stuff that they should be
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you could be eating gluten-free Oreos and cookies and
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Waffles and all that stuff and you’re probably still not gonna feel great
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You’re probably still gonna have some fatigue and some other issues just because you’re not really fueling your body with nutrients
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So gluten free products have come a long way. Thank goodness. And
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every food fits in a healthy diet
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But you don’t want the staples and the main part of your diet to be those processed food items
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So making sure you’re like filling up your plate with whole wholesome gluten-free stuff. So all your meats all your veggies all your fruits
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starches juice like potatoes and corn
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rice quinoa all those things are still really important for a celiac so
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Focusing on a healthy gluten-free diet is is really important and not just doing a swap of gluten free products to packaged
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Packet today, right? Because those packaged foods when you put in so many fillers
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it’s like all those are gonna they’re gonna inflame you right you’re gonna be
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You’re you’re not gonna be digesting food properly and then you’re gonna have similar symptoms
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Like you’re eating gluten and so you’re like hey, how come I’m eating gluten free and I’m still sick like ah, my friend
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so you still want to be eating like food and
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You know bread and cookies and that stuff that’s still if it’s in a diet
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But just don’t think oh that I’m now I’m eating gluten free cookies. That’s healthy. I can eat that breakfast lunch and dinner, right?
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No, no, you wear your Whole Foods. I
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love that good and
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one two number three
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So now that you are a celiac and you probably went through a period of you know
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Getting sick and having all this inflammation in your body
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You have different nutrient needs than before
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so a lot of times there’s malabsorption which just means you can’t
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You know your stomach and your gut your intestines really are so inflamed so damaged you’re not properly absorbing vitamins and minerals
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And a lot of times calories which is why people lose weight and they become malnourished
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now that
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You know your gut is is so damaged you have increased nutrient needs
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So some of the big ones that we received efficiencies are iron calcium
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vitamin D zinc the B vitamins and folate
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And all those are so important for health a lot of times
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That’s why celiacs get you know, headaches and tingling in their hands and their feet
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Those are all related to vitamin C deficiencies that are caused by celiac. They’re not necessarily caused by the gluten
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It’s like a secondary reaction
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So I always recommend you go to your doctor and get regular blood tests to see if you’re soakin exposed to gluten
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but also to check those
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Levels of vitamins and minerals and it’s really important that if you are so low on that
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Even though it you might be eating a wonderful healthy full balanced all you know, great diet
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You could still be experiencing some symptoms and some deficiencies. So in that case you would need a supplement and
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That’s something that is super individualized. You know, there’s no
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One-size-fits-all like supplement routine a
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Multivitamin is a good is a good like insurance policy
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But sometimes celiacs will need more than what’s in the multivitamin because they’re not absorbing at all
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So the multivitamin might give you a hundred percent of your daily needs, but you’re only absorbing 30 percent
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So you might still be feeling sick because you’re anemic because you’re not absorbing iron
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And that takes time for your gut to fully heal before you can you know
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Bring those levels back up and there’s some people who have a factory celiac disease, which means never fully heals
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and in those cases those individuals need to take more extreme measures, but kind of the
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Overarching thing is your nutrient needs are different than before
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So before you could have gotten away with just eating a standard diet and taking multivitamin now
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While your gut heals you’re gonna need more vitamins and minerals
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That’s awesome. What do you what do you tell people about dairy I get asked that a lot
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Yeah, so that feeds into number four, so
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The fourth thing is cut out gluten might not be enough and dairy is a huge a huge one
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So a lot of people let’s say they’re totally fine on their cross contact and they’re eating a healthy gluten-free diet
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They’re taking the supplements for them, but they’re still gassy and blody and they still migraines
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And they eat they just don’t feel good
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There other people have sensitivities to specific things and the most common one is dairy
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So a lot of my celiac clients we take out dairy from their diet then they feel much better
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Sometimes they can tolerate small amounts of dairy or they can tolerate
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You know whey, which is like a protein and dairy and they’re sensitive to lactose. Some people are sensitive to all dairy
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Addressing, you know through elimination diet, which is what I do a lot with clients and that takes time to do going through
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You know, do you have sensitivity to dairy soy lagoons corn oats fructose?
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artificial sweeteners
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Those are all really common ones that you kind of have to address with each person. So that’s not something that I say
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Okay, as a celiac now you need to cut out all these food groups. That’s not gonna leave you feeling great
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nourished so it’s really just
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Individualized but dairy is a big one that you know a lot of celiac feel better
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Once they remove which is why it’s so great. Now I see so many gluten-free and dairy food products, which is wonderful
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There’s a lot of good dairy-free alternatives out there, which makes it a lot easier on us
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Yes, I know
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I imagine like the people that have been the pioneers of celiac – oh my gosh and doing this even ten years ago like
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so much targer
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we’re so blessed like so I’m so grateful for so many companies who have adapted and really changed their how they
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Manufacture things and making sure that it’s safe. And then now
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adding that health factor like non GMOs and all of that like it’s just so important that we
00:17:30.409 –> 00:17:33.309
Understand what we’re putting into our body. So that’s huge
00:17:33.860 –> 00:17:35.269
Yeah, okay
00:17:35.269 –> 00:17:38.049
So I have another question that says
00:17:39.019 –> 00:17:45.099
What do you recommend someone does when they’ve been gluten gluten? That’s a tricky one, so
00:17:46.130 –> 00:17:52.510
Unfortunately, there isn’t like a medication for it. There’s not really anything that we can take to like make the gluten go away
00:17:53.720 –> 00:17:55.340
00:17:55.340 –> 00:18:00.250
Really the best thing to do is just kind of rest give yourself some time to kind of rest and recover
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to make sure you’re hydrating to make sure you’re eating because if you’re like your guts are hurting I know it’s
00:18:05.970 –> 00:18:07.330
for a lot of people
00:18:07.330 –> 00:18:14.789
To continue to eat. However, if you’re not eating you’re gonna be low-energy and lethargic and that’s just gonna make you feel worse. So
00:18:16.000 –> 00:18:18.989
Rest hydrate drinking like some kind of peppermint tea
00:18:20.049 –> 00:18:24.299
The other thing is I always encourage people don’t want celiac win
00:18:24.299 –> 00:18:29.369
So I know when you get sick you want to lay on the couch and curl up in a ball and hold your stomach
00:18:29.830 –> 00:18:35.100
But there’s life to live and you still have to get out there and carry on and live your life
00:18:35.379 –> 00:18:41.819
Um, and sometimes just moving will help you be distracted from a little bit too. So doing your best to kind of carry on. Um,
00:18:42.429 –> 00:18:46.829
My biggest tip. This is helpful for the ladies men. I’m sorry. I can’t help you here
00:18:47.649 –> 00:18:50.489
But wearing like a pair of high waist leggings
00:18:51.250 –> 00:18:54.089
So you like your stomach is like hugged like, you know?
00:18:54.090 –> 00:18:57.840
You just like when your guts hurt you just like want to hug them with like, okay
00:18:57.840 –> 00:19:02.850
So highways leggings and then I take those like hand warmers like the you know
00:19:02.850 –> 00:19:06.509
When it’s cold outside like the shakable ones and I put them in my leggings. I
00:19:07.299 –> 00:19:11.099
Have like a walking hug heating pad on myself
00:19:11.860 –> 00:19:14.219
So that it’s just like so much more comfortable
00:19:14.220 –> 00:19:20.939
It’s like function because you have like you’re not tied to a heating pad on the couch that’s plugged in right you can
00:19:21.490 –> 00:19:25.589
Flip. Yeah, I love that super weird, but it’s super helpful
00:19:25.600 –> 00:19:29.399
No, I’ve got it more than I wish I had to but yeah, yeah
00:19:29.399 –> 00:19:30.220
I bet
00:19:30.220 –> 00:19:32.970
one thing we like to do is we put essential oils like
00:19:33.039 –> 00:19:39.689
peppermint or a digestion or whatever whatever brand I’m using at the time and rubbing that on that helps soothe it too and just keep
00:19:39.970 –> 00:19:45.389
Moving and not just because it’s so easy to stay home for a week poor me like right, right
00:19:45.389 –> 00:19:53.008
That’s like but mentally what does that do for you? It’s not serving you. So I love that you brought that up now. Um
00:19:53.769 –> 00:19:55.769
What do you think about charcoal?
00:19:56.409 –> 00:20:03.329
So the research on charcoal is it’s not great. You know, it’s still kind of a developing thing, especially for celiac
00:20:03.330 –> 00:20:07.860
So there is some research out there for like food sensitivities. Obviously, it’s used for people
00:20:08.860 –> 00:20:15.389
To help them like vomit in severe cases, but for celiac like the evidence doesn’t show that that’s necessarily beneficial
00:20:15.909 –> 00:20:17.939
however, both charcoal and
00:20:18.610 –> 00:20:20.610
digestive enzyme
00:20:20.880 –> 00:20:22.880
Possibly have a placebo effect. So
00:20:23.430 –> 00:20:28.279
Placebo effects really they work if you take them and you believe they’re gonna work and you’re telling yourself
00:20:28.280 –> 00:20:30.280
I’m going to take these am going to feel better you
00:20:30.780 –> 00:20:32.250
Could feel better
00:20:32.250 –> 00:20:35.119
and to be honest if you have to
00:20:35.120 –> 00:20:40.160
You know stand on your head and spin 5 times around and that makes you feel better then do it
00:20:40.350 –> 00:20:46.399
So the research is like a little bit sketchy. But whatever you have to do to feel better do it, huh?
00:20:46.890 –> 00:20:49.070
And just don’t sit on that couch and poor me
00:20:49.770 –> 00:20:52.220
You know relax for a little bit and give yourself some time
00:20:52.220 –> 00:20:58.850
But then continue to just get out and thrive because it can be a really deep dark place once you kind of slide into that
00:20:59.220 –> 00:21:02.839
so put on your pants put on your little heat pad and
00:21:03.480 –> 00:21:05.480
Girl pants. Yeah
00:21:06.180 –> 00:21:08.330
Well, I love that. I’ve never taken charcoal, but I
00:21:08.880 –> 00:21:12.380
Anytime like I mention anything about that on on my Instagram account or anything
00:21:12.450 –> 00:21:18.830
People always swear by charcoal and I just I haven’t gotten into that yet. Um, but I wondered what your take was on that
00:21:18.830 –> 00:21:24.559
Thank you for addressing that if people if they say they take it and then helps them. Please take it go for it more
00:21:24.560 –> 00:21:26.250
Yeah, it’s not gonna hurt them. So
00:21:26.250 –> 00:21:33.050
Ok, that’s good to know. Yeah, awesome. Oh, man. Ok. So like what does it look like to work with you?
00:21:33.050 –> 00:21:35.149
So someone’s just diagnosed with celiac disease
00:21:35.880 –> 00:21:42.260
What does that what does it look like walk through it walk through it. So I do a lot of video calls
00:21:42.260 –> 00:21:47.479
I like to see people’s faces. I like to have an interaction. I think it’s so important to have that human connection
00:21:47.520 –> 00:21:53.509
So we do a lot of video chats. We do some phone calls email. That’s kind of how they contact me
00:21:53.510 –> 00:21:55.550
But really I’m just part of their support team
00:21:55.550 –> 00:22:00.619
So we go through their whole diet what it looks like we talk about possible areas of cross contamination
00:22:00.900 –> 00:22:03.320
We go through things like if they’re still eating dairy
00:22:03.990 –> 00:22:07.790
soy seeing if there’s anything like that that might be an issue for them and
00:22:08.850 –> 00:22:15.919
pulling things out adding things in it takes more than one session to really, you know decide what foods could be problematic and
00:22:16.590 –> 00:22:21.499
You know how to clean out your kitchen and then we sit around with the whole family if you’re living with people and talk to
00:22:21.500 –> 00:22:26.270
The family because it’s more than just one person. It’s not just one person who has to live with celiac
00:22:26.270 –> 00:22:28.270
it’s everyone in the house and
00:22:28.470 –> 00:22:33.399
The spouses and the kids and the friends and the family so talking with those people
00:22:33.890 –> 00:22:38.290
Talking to the client about how to talk to those people and explain their needs and advocate
00:22:38.420 –> 00:22:43.360
We do a lot of practicing at restaurants. So one of the biggest questions you will get is. How do I eat out?
00:22:43.360 –> 00:22:48.519
How do I talk to a server and not so nerve-racking? I still like sometimes get anxiety like that
00:22:48.520 –> 00:22:52.330
I need to talk to the server. So we just do a lot of role play which is so fun
00:22:53.210 –> 00:22:58.329
and we go through that so it really depends kind of on the client’s needs and
00:22:58.940 –> 00:23:06.039
Just addressing the areas that they’re struggling with and really just being a support system that person that they can text when they don’t feel
00:23:06.040 –> 00:23:09.399
Good or when they have a question about a food product or they’re trying to cook
00:23:09.560 –> 00:23:14.080
But their world is turned upside down because everything that they used to cook they can’t cook anymore
00:23:14.240 –> 00:23:19.359
So I’m trying to make dinner for my family shoot what I make? Yeah, so hired
00:23:19.360 –> 00:23:25.149
Yeah, right so helped, so that’s when they reach out to me and you know kind of walk them through that process
00:23:25.810 –> 00:23:29.679
and help them from being in a place of like confusion and isolation and
00:23:29.840 –> 00:23:36.069
Frustration to a place where it’s just their normal life and they don’t have that confusion anymore. They’re thriving and
00:23:37.790 –> 00:23:42.340
There isn’t a place where they fully understand their disease they fully understand how to manage it and
00:23:43.460 –> 00:23:49.329
They’re just yeah, they’re rocking their diagnosis. They’re rocking their disease and it’s not anything that’s holding the back anymore
00:23:49.700 –> 00:23:53.289
So that’s kind of the process to get them there. Okay?
00:23:53.290 –> 00:23:59.320
So how many sessions does that normally take to get them to that point of like they feel confident in themselves and what they’re doing?
00:23:59.720 –> 00:24:01.720
yeah, so
00:24:01.820 –> 00:24:09.100
We do like a month-to-month basis, but we do weekly check-ins. So there’s a lot of weekly check-ins in between the time from like
00:24:09.680 –> 00:24:15.970
Diagnosis or like shortly after diagnosis. I get some people who they’ve been diagnosed like three years and they’re like
00:24:15.970 –> 00:24:18.370
I still haven’t gotten help like I’m still not thriving
00:24:18.590 –> 00:24:23.980
And I’m like, I’m happy like let’s let’s take care of it now before it’s been six years and you’re still not driving
00:24:23.980 –> 00:24:25.990
you know the sooner the better, but
00:24:27.260 –> 00:24:31.660
For for a lot of people. It’s usually at least a few months just to you know have
00:24:32.270 –> 00:24:36.100
That person that they can call because so much life happens
00:24:36.230 –> 00:24:39.099
you know for I work with a lot of kids too and
00:24:39.590 –> 00:24:45.880
With kids. It’s like how do you navigate soccer season and then in summer time? So, how do you navigate day care?
00:24:45.880 –> 00:24:47.880
And now you back in school and how do you talk about?
00:24:48.190 –> 00:24:54.359
You know going to school with the teachers and the new classmates and now there’s class parties. Oh and now it’s Christmastime
00:24:54.700 –> 00:24:55.590
How do I do that?
00:24:55.590 –> 00:25:02.040
it’s the kids birthday and it’s their first time and now they’re having a sleepover and there’s so many things to navigate with that and
00:25:02.770 –> 00:25:04.090
You know
00:25:04.090 –> 00:25:10.890
You don’t heal right away with celiac. It’s not like you will go gluten-free and then you’re perfectly fine. So
00:25:12.160 –> 00:25:19.079
It takes time and you need that support for for awhile. Which which is what I’m there for. That is awesome
00:25:19.530 –> 00:25:25.019
Yeah, I know. I’m like, I think you’re like the training wheels. You’re like wait, don’t take them off yet. So can you be still?
00:25:26.560 –> 00:25:31.349
That’s awesome. I love that. Um, so what’s your favorite thing about
00:25:33.070 –> 00:25:36.840
Helping people with their lifestyle with their healthy lifestyle
00:25:37.750 –> 00:25:38.830
You know
00:25:38.830 –> 00:25:41.550
so I I’ve been a dietitian for a while and
00:25:41.710 –> 00:25:47.760
I used to work with more like athletes and people that want it’s like lose weight and that stuff and that’s still so much fun
00:25:47.760 –> 00:25:54.270
I still have like a big a big hobby in heart with that but there’s a difference between helping people for like aesthetic goals or
00:25:54.370 –> 00:25:56.370
Helping them improve their for tea time
00:25:56.620 –> 00:25:59.849
We’re helping them cut weight for a wrestling knee or something like that
00:26:00.190 –> 00:26:04.320
to helping people who are sick and to getting them better and just to see
00:26:05.020 –> 00:26:08.520
But people have transformation photos all the time on Instagram you’ll see
00:26:09.070 –> 00:26:14.730
Like this weight and then I lost this much weight or whatever, but there’s a transformation photo that you can see
00:26:14.730 –> 00:26:17.280
I think you’ve done one about your daughter. Um of
00:26:17.800 –> 00:26:21.779
Someone sit. I have the chills of someone sick and then someone feeling better
00:26:22.300 –> 00:26:27.419
Wow and so that’s the transformation that I like so when I get my clients and they you know
00:26:27.420 –> 00:26:32.069
They come to me just so confused and so frustrated and I know where I’m gonna take them
00:26:32.530 –> 00:26:36.180
It just gives me so much joy knowing like they might not be confident in it
00:26:36.180 –> 00:26:41.399
But I know that they’re gonna get to a better place and then once they finally get there being able to celebrate with them
00:26:42.070 –> 00:26:46.320
And that’s just the best part that is like I’m my tearing up right now
00:26:46.870 –> 00:26:50.880
Because that’s like that’s what we said like this. This is why we do it and
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That’s why I do serving celiacs
00:26:53.400 –> 00:26:57.329
Like I just want people to know that like you can do this
00:26:57.330 –> 00:27:03.230
You can live this life and raw like still live the best you like be the best person
00:27:03.960 –> 00:27:09.079
even with and especially with celiac disease and I just I think that we
00:27:09.300 –> 00:27:13.940
Can all learn from each other and like the things that you do and the things that we all do to help
00:27:14.190 –> 00:27:21.860
This community is so big and I love that. Yeah, when so random, but tell us about your dog
00:27:21.860 –> 00:27:23.790
I know this is
00:27:23.790 –> 00:27:29.300
Just subject that when you talking about your dog, I was so intrigued. So tell me about your little dog
00:27:29.300 –> 00:27:31.909
Okay, so I have a dog his name’s Wally
00:27:32.910 –> 00:27:36.139
Which is hurt for walnut cupcake, but that’s another side story
00:27:36.140 –> 00:27:41.030
And um, so he the Labradoodle and they’re known for having food allergies
00:27:41.370 –> 00:27:48.589
So I was told he needs to eat like a gluten-free diet, um, which I the person that told me that didn’t have
00:27:49.260 –> 00:27:53.840
Celiac or anything. I was always planning on giving him gluten free diet because I don’t want like the crumbs
00:27:53.910 –> 00:27:57.139
Hi my hands in my pockets. I do a lot of dog training with him
00:27:58.920 –> 00:28:00.350
So anyways, so yeah
00:28:00.350 –> 00:28:02.160
he’s always been gluten free and now he
00:28:02.160 –> 00:28:05.690
Doesn’t if he eats like a big gluten free stuff if I take him to doggy daycare
00:28:05.760 –> 00:28:11.960
Something he gets a rash and get sick because he hasn’t had it which is the reason that he’s been great
00:28:12.150 –> 00:28:17.480
He’s all gluten-free stuff. Lots of hot dogs and chicken and and a good stuff. I love it
00:28:17.750 –> 00:28:24.500
So yeah dog pal around and you sail around Winfrey hitting me. Yep. I love it. That is like the best
00:28:25.620 –> 00:28:27.739
You know, it’s just like bringing to life
00:28:29.040 –> 00:28:35.300
Bringing to like a view to everybody else giving us a vision of like what your everyday life looks like
00:28:35.300 –> 00:28:38.810
It’s so key like I just wonder. Okay. What is she eating? What is that person?
00:28:39.570 –> 00:28:41.190
Look like I think
00:28:41.190 –> 00:28:45.080
My kids want a dog and I’m like no because then we’d have to go gluten-free right now with the dog
00:28:45.080 –> 00:28:48.679
And I just I can’t do that right now. I got four kids. I’m like I maxed out
00:28:48.680 –> 00:28:51.740
So for my sanity like not now, yeah later
00:28:51.780 –> 00:28:54.080
But not now and I but I just love that
00:28:54.330 –> 00:29:00.500
To envision what other people go through and then you get to do that on a one-and-one my faces all the time
00:29:00.500 –> 00:29:03.319
It’s just like so Cyrenians. So awesome
00:29:03.840 –> 00:29:05.250
00:29:05.250 –> 00:29:06.080
Erin Mike
00:29:06.080 –> 00:29:11.120
it’s been so fun teaming up with you and like we’ve done this special now for a little bit and I think
00:29:11.280 –> 00:29:13.280
Extend it a little bit further
00:29:13.310 –> 00:29:18.139
We have more people need it. We have to extend it. Yeah, I know so tell everybody what we’ve done
00:29:18.780 –> 00:29:19.890
00:29:19.890 –> 00:29:22.759
we have teamed up because coral has an
00:29:23.100 –> 00:29:29.180
Awesome eCourse which covers like all the emotional stuff of celiac how to clean up your kitchen like so many great
00:29:29.490 –> 00:29:33.770
Printables and just a content that you can you know kind of go through your own time
00:29:34.080 –> 00:29:41.419
Which is amazing, and there’s a lot of stuff that I work with my clients with at first, so they’re getting like a killer resource
00:29:42.000 –> 00:29:43.920
kind of in their pocket, so
00:29:43.920 –> 00:29:51.109
We’re packaging that within a one-on-one with me to kind of cover any specific questions you have can I create a plan and together?
00:29:51.110 –> 00:29:53.599
That’s just like everything you could want
00:29:53.790 –> 00:30:00.409
for being a newly diagnosed or someone that’s just still struggling with celiac and who wants the emotional support in the physical support in the
00:30:00.410 –> 00:30:02.509
mental support so together we have
00:30:03.060 –> 00:30:05.060
created that
00:30:05.250 –> 00:30:11.930
And we’re just kind of offering that for for the time being until slots all fill up. So that’s been just so exciting
00:30:11.930 –> 00:30:17.930
I know I love that. It’s been like linking up with you. I’m like, yes, it just makes sense. I love it
00:30:18.110 –> 00:30:23.450
So I’m you can go on to serving celiacs calm and on the blog post with the show notes and everything
00:30:23.450 –> 00:30:26.179
We’re gonna should be linking the resources to that special
00:30:26.180 –> 00:30:28.519
If you’re listening to this six months from now
00:30:28.650 –> 00:30:34.550
We may have been capped out with how many people were gonna be able to accept but we’ll always like be linking up in some
00:30:34.550 –> 00:30:37.399
Form or other and so we’ll always be linking up the most
00:30:38.160 –> 00:30:44.450
current deal or special or opportunity to work with Aaron individually or together with the eCourse like we
00:30:44.730 –> 00:30:51.950
Just we’re here to literally help you be your best self. And so that’s really fun. And I
00:30:52.770 –> 00:30:54.950
So wish I had these resources
00:30:54.950 –> 00:31:01.099
I wish I had you when we were first diagnosed because that was like some of the most confusing
00:31:02.160 –> 00:31:07.670
Days of my life and I’m not like I’m not one to get flustered or to let things get to me
00:31:08.340 –> 00:31:14.449
But like literally like I needed to have answers and where I was searching on the internet
00:31:14.450 –> 00:31:20.599
I was finding a lot of negativity and like you just have to stay home and you can never go out again
00:31:20.600 –> 00:31:25.550
And you can’t go to restaurants and you this and I’m like are you kidding me? Squash all those little people?
00:31:26.250 –> 00:31:28.160
Are dead to me?
00:31:28.160 –> 00:31:32.179
Yeah, yes because we can live this life and I am just so grateful
00:31:32.640 –> 00:31:34.580
So okay Aaron tell me yeah
00:31:34.580 –> 00:31:42.439
I just have one takeaway that you can leave our little listeners here in our little celiac and gluten-free community. Yes, would it be I
00:31:43.020 –> 00:31:47.389
think we’ve said it a few times but it has to be like it has to be said
00:31:47.610 –> 00:31:50.689
To end it and just to drill it in is just to say positive
00:31:51.570 –> 00:31:56.540
You will if you’re looking online on your own and you’re googling your way if your diagnosis and your treatment
You will find people that are telling you you can’t go out to eat. You can do that friends houses
You can’t eat this this this this you can never do this again. You could never travel false false false
I have done it Coral has done it thousands of other celiacs have done it
It takes learning it takes education and it takes positivity. So
Don’t listen to the naysayers. Don’t listen the negativit
Really just stay positive with it and continue to learn and continue to just push forward
And stay patient with everything
Thank You Erin so wise so I welcome
Yeah, thank you for having me on today. Oh, I’ve just loved every second of it. Can we just be neighbors already?
I know we’re already so close here. Now. I’m in California. So I know I know we’re almost there. We’re almost there
We made it halfway across the country. Yes. Alright, Erin. Have a great day
And for sure, we’ll have you on again with another great hot topic for
Celiac and gluten free living. Yay. Thank you. Okay