When life hands you gluten

Episode 15: When Life Hands You Gluten

I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome it was to interview Jodi Ettenberg aka @legalnomads. She is woman with perseverance, strength, and who reaches out to help others.

 Jodi went from Corporate Law to full-time travel blogger as a Celiac, and is now taking a different path as she chooses to utilize her given and acquired talents to help inform, educate, and make this world a better place!

Jodi has traveled countless countries to enjoy traditions and the art of food. Being a Celiac herself, she found herself at a loss when it came to explaining Celiac disease and cross-contamination in other languages. She saw the need for something to help Celiac’s and did something about it! She has now created Translated Celiac Disease Information Cards into several different languages. If you are traveling outside of the US… these cards are a must-have for sure!


Listen on…



Jodi is the author of the book The Food Traveler’s Handbook and has an incredible 10 week meditation course for beginners.

 One of my favorite things about Jodi is her eloquent speech coupled with her deep rooted thoughts. She inspires me to do better, to look around me and see how I can help others even when I don’t feel like it. I love how our discussion led to the fact that every single day- every single moment we get to choose how we show up. How we are going to respond and react to all the crazy detours of life. When life hands you gluten, what are you going to do?

Listen to the full podcast episode to hear of Jodi’s more recent situation as she has found herself bedridden with a CSF leak. I am so grateful that she was willing to open up and be so transparent with the hardships she is facing at this moment.

Jodi Ettenberg is a writer, photographer, and public speaker exploring the world since April 2008. Her website, Legal Nomads, tells the stories of places she visits, often through food. A celiac, Jodi’s guides and translation cards have helped many others with food restrictions eat safely around the world. She is known for tackling tough topics like chronic pain, grief, and anxiety, sharing both the good and bad to give a realistic narrative of an unusual life journey. Jodi is the author of The Food Traveler’s Handbook, and a recipient of Lowell Thomas Awards and North American Travel Journalist Association awards for her writing and photography. She has been featured in the New York Times, National Geographic, BBC Travel, The Guardian and more. Prior to founding Legal Nomads, Jodi worked as a lawyer in New York for 5 years. 


Jodi’s Website – https://www.legalnomads.com

Spinal tap story – https://www.legalnomads.com/spinal-tap

Book – https://www.amazon.com/Food-Travelers-Handbook-Jodi-Ettenberg-ebook/dp/B009WVI0T6/

Translation cards – https://www.legalnomads.com/gluten-free

10 Wk Meditation Course – https://www.legalnomads.com/meditation-beginners

US Spinal Leak foundation – https://spinalcsfleak.org/

Canadian Spinal Leak foundation – https://www.spinalcsfleakcanada.ca/


Learn more about the programs I offer HERE

Remember, I’ve got your back. I have a comprehensive gluten-free guide available on my website. It’s packed with valuable information to make your journey smoother. And if you want to spread the knowledge, I’ve created free ‘I am gluten-free & I have celiac disease’ printables you can share with others.

For more resources visit my website HERE!

The 2024 Gluten Free Brand and Product Guide HERE

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When life hands you gluten
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